




Winter event
עַד הֵנָּה עֲזָרוּנוּ רַחֲמֶיךָ וְלֹא עֲזָבוּנוּ חֲסָדֶיךָ

Auction 20

February 16th 2025 1:00pm est Bez"h
of 2 pages

Lot : 1

Slavita Siddur

Chassidic Nusach Sefard

Shapira Press. Slavita, 1827

Avodah U'Moreh Derech Siddur. A siddur according to Sefard-Chassidic custom, with explanations, intentions, and laws compiled by Rabbi Aharon son…

Lot : 2


Siddur Nusach Ashkenaz.
Shapira Press, Slavita, 1832
Order of prayers and supplications for the entire year according to the custom of Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Bohemia, Galicia and…

Lot : 3

Kabbalistic Siddur Used by the Talmidim of the Baal Shem Tov

Siddur Rav Asher.
Lvov, 1787
Nusach Sfard siddur with the kavanos of the Arizal, edited by the saintly kabbalist Rabbi Asher Margalios of Brod. This…

Lot : 4

Miniature Sefer Tehillim

Menashe ben Israel Press

Amsterdam, 1634

The first Tehillim printed in Amsterdam!
Miniature Tehillim measuring just 10 cm, with nekudos and taamim. Printed in the press of the legendary scholar and statesman…

Lot : 5

Order of Prayers.
Amsterdam, 1715.

Extraordinary Copy Printed Entirely in Red Ink.
Miniature prayer book, an exceptionally rare and luxurious edition, entirely printed in red ink by the renowned Amsterdam printing press.…

Lot : 6

Order of Maamados.

Exquisite Miniature Manuscript on Parchment

with Colorful Illustrations.

Fürth, 18th Century
Order of Weekday Maamados, including special prayers to be recited on each day of the week. This manuscript was inscribed…

Lot : 7




First Printing of Neviim Acharonim!!!


Soncino, 1486


  With Radak's Commentary.   Important and complete incunabula. Neviim Acharonim – Yeshayahu, Yirmiyahu, Yechezkel and Trei Asar with commentary…

Lot : 8

Yafek Ratzon

Belvedere, 1593 

Printed in the Palace of Donna Reyna Nasi

Singular Edition with only 300 copies ever printed! Commentary on the year-round haftaros according to Sephardic and Ashkenazic customs by…

Lot : 9

Igeres Shmuel. Commentary on Megillas Rus

First Edition. Kuru Chesme, 1597

Printing press of Donna Reyna Nasi
Very rare sefer! Commentary on Megillas Rus by the kabbalist Rabbi Shmuel de Uçeda, disciple of the Arizal. Includes the…

Lot : 10

Kushta Reish

Sefer Yesod

Midrash Tehillim.
First Edition.
Constantinople, 1512
The first edition of Chazal’s ancient Midrash on Sefer Tehillim. Beautiful copy, bound in original Constantinople binding! Rishonim refer to…

Lot : 11

Sefer Yesod

Tzror Hamor.

Commentary on the Torah

 First Edition. Venice, 1523
Kabbalistic commentary on the Chamishah Chumshei Torah by Rabbi Avraham Sava, one of the notable Torah sages from the era…

Lot : 12

Sefer Yesod




Yerios Shlomo by the Maharshal.
on Rashi al HaTorah
First Edition. Prague, 1609
      A classic commentary on Rashi al HaTorah by the Maharshal, ‘Yerios Shlomo’ was first brought to print…

Lot : 13

Segulah for Banei, Chayei U’mezonei!

Zera Shimshon
First Edition. Mantua, 1778

Beautiful and Large Copy
Drashos and commentary on Chamishah Chumshei Torah and Megillos by the great kabbalist Rabbi Chaim Shimshon Nachmani. Segulah of the…

Lot : 14

Talmud Bavli, Bomberg First Edition

Maseches Niddah

Venice, 1520
Maseches Niddah with Rashi’s commentary and Tosafos – a complete volume from the first full edition of the Talmud, printed…

Lot : 15

Seder Taharos, First Edition of the Bomberg Shas, Venice 1523

Mishnayos Seder Taharos with the Rambam’s Commentary
From the first complete edition of the Talmud printed by the renowned printer Daniel Bomberg at his famed press in…

Lot : 16

Fundamental Work of Aggadah
Ein Yaakov
First Edition
2 Complete Volumes
Saloniki, 1517-1522
    Anthology of all Aggados and Midrashim found across Shisha Sidrei Mishnah and the Gemara. Masterfully written by Rabbi…

Lot : 17

Sefer Yesod.

First Edition. Fano, 1505
Complete, Beautiful Sefer!

  Halachic rulings, laws, orders of repentance, and order of teshuvah for sinners , by Rabbi Elazar of Worms. Tradition…

Lot : 18

Sefer Yesod!
Sefer Chassidim
by Rabbi Yehuda HaChassid
First Edition
Bologna, 1538

  This is the first edition of 'Sefer Chassidim', authored by Rabbi Yehuda Hachassid, leader of the Chassidim of Ashkenaz,…

Lot : 19

Order of Blessings for the Jewish Year

Illustrated Sefer Haminhagim

Amsterdam, 1724
Order of Blessings for the Jewish Year (including Haggadah shel Pesach) Includes 14 magnificent woodcut illustrations! Seforim like these were…

Lot : 20

Fascinating Discovery!

Mordechai 1559
with Handwritten Glosses by Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Schor
Talmid of the Rama and Rebbi of the Bach.
The Mordechai (Riva di Trento, 1559) on Masechtos Brachos, Bava Kama, Bava Metziah, Ksubos and Chullin with hundreds of handwritten…

Lot : 21

Hundreds of Handwritten Hagahos by the Tosfos Shabbos

and Hagahos Yitav Lev of Satmar

on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim

Hundreds (!!!) of annotations by the holy hand of Rabbi Refael Meisels, author of ‘Tosfos Shabbos’, and the Admor Rabbi…

Lot : 22

The Maharsham’s Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah in 2 Volumes

 With Thousands of Handwritten Chidushim and Glosses 
The Maharsham’s personal copy of Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah (Vienna, 1806) with thousands of handwritten comments, chiddushim and annotations that…

Lot : 23

Unknown Chidushim.

Korban Nesanel on the Shas, with dozens of pages and hundreds of notations in his own handwriting.
A 160-leaf manuscript containing chiddushim on the Shas with a Kuntres ‘Klalei HaShas’ from the author of ‘Korban Nesanel’, of…

Lot : 24

Unprinted Manuscript!

Handwritten Chiddushim
by Rabbi Lipman Weil,
Son of the Korban Nesanel
A full manuscript of commentary on Tanach, Moadim and chiddushei halachah by Rabbi Lipman Weil of Prague, son of Rabbi…

Lot : 25


Chiddushim, Shiurim & Drashos by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschitz

Altona-Hamburg, 1758-1761
A full volume of 230 handwritten leaves (460 sides) of shiurim on halachah and Shas delivered by Rabbi Yehonasan Eibschitz…

Lot : 26

Manuscript of Chiddushei Torah Handwritten by Rabbi Avraham Bing, Av Beis Din of Würzburg.

179 pages of handwritten chiddushim on Shas and Rambam by Rabbi Avraham Bing, Rabbi of Würzburg. This sefer contains many…

Lot : 27

70 sides!



Large kuntress!
Autographed Teshuvos & Chiddushim by Rabbi Shlomo Kluger, Av Beis Din of Brody
      An important 35-leaf kuntress replete with teshuvos and chiddushim on Yoreh Deah written entirely by the holy…

Lot : 28


Unpublished Teshuvos!

Handwritten by the Divrei Malkiel. 

Lomza, 1909-1910
A handwritten volume of halachic responsa written by Rabbi Malkiel Tzvi HaLevi Tannenbaum, Av Beis Din of Lomza, author of…

Lot : 29

Holy Handwriting of the Rema of Pano

Hagahos on Commentary on Koheles. Venice, 1578 Twenty glosses handwritten by the holy hand of the saintly kabbalist Rabbi Menachem…

Lot : 30

Rare Unpublished Kabbalistic Manuscript

Sefer Ha'Or by Rabbi Yehuda ben Chanin of Algiers, North Africa,
circa 1600-1630
A composition on the Hebrew letters, vowel points and cantillation marks by the holy Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda ben Chanin, student…

Lot : 31

Foundational Sefer of the Ramak’s Kabbalah

Pardes Rimonim.
First Edition.
Cracow, 1592
An introduction to the wisdom of Kabbalah with many explanations on the words of the Zohar, by the kabbalist Rabbi…

Lot : 32

Sha'ar HaKavanos by Rabbi Chaim Vital



Written by Rabbi Yosef Edrei, Scribe of the Rashash
With Handwritten Glosses by Mekubalim of the Beis El Yeshiva
  Jerusalem, c. 1760   ‘Sha'ar HaKavanos’ Part 2 by Rabbi Chaim Vital on the prayers of Shabbos and Festivals,…

Lot : 33

Exceptionally Rare Sefer

Mekor Chaim
Constantinople, 1650
Commentary on Shulchan Aruch - Hilchos Pesach (including the text of the Shulchan Aruch), based on Kabbalah by the renowned…

Lot : 34

Sefer HaGoralos attributed to the "Seventy Zekeinim"

First and Rare Edition

Dyhernfurth, c. 1728
Sefer ‘Urim V'Tumim’ provides a system for conducting lotteries using allusions from the twelve stones of the Kohen Gadol's breastplate.…

Lot : 35

Manuscript in the Handwriting of the Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Petaya

'Matok LaNefesh - on Zohar 'Saba D'Mishpatim'

Jerusalem, 1938
Sefer ' Matok LaNefesh' is a commentary on all the words of the Saba D'Mishpatim found in the holy Sefer…

Lot : 36

Handwritten and Autographed Letter from the Chida to his Son

      A lengthy and previously unknown handwritten letter from Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai, the Chida, to his…

Lot : 37

Handwritten Letter from the Ksav Sofer


Invitation for his Daughter's Wedding



Pressburg, 1869
    An invitation letter in the handwriting of Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg and…

Lot : 38

Kashrus of a Mikvah Ventel

the Shevet Sofer's

Landmark Handwritten Teshuvah

on the Kashrus of Mikvaos
An important handwritten teshuvah regarding the kashrus of mikvaos by Rabbi Simcha Bunim Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg and…

Lot : 39

“Vehayei Bracha”



Sacred Letter from the Divrei Chaim
to Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Daash
Sanz, 1868
  A letter from the Admor Rabbi Chaim Halberstam of Sanz, author of 'Divrei Chaim', to the Admor Rabbi Menachem…

Lot : 40

Handwritten & Autographed Teshuvah

by the Admor Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Shinova

Regarding a Heter Meah Rabbanim. 1894

Newly-revealed handwritten and autographed teshuvah by the Admor Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Shinova, author of ‘Divrei Yechezkel’, in regard…

Lot : 41

Sacred Letter by the

Admor Rabbi Shalom Eliezer Halberstam of Ratzfert

to His Son-in-Law, the Atzei Chaim

A sacred letter by the Admor Rabbi Shalom Eliezer Halberstam of Ratzfert, son of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, to…

Lot : 42

"Bestow Upon him an Abundance of Blessing, Success, and a Bountiful Livelihood"

Letter Filled with Blessings for Parnassah from the Kedushas Yom Tov
Sighet, 1900
A letter of blessing for livelihood from the saintly Admor Rabbi Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum, Av Beis Din of…

Lot : 45

Handwritten page from the Admor Tzemach Tzedek regarding Tikun HaMikveh by the Alter Rebbe

      Handwritten leaf by the Tzemach Tzedek, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, explaining the special custom instituted by Rabbi…

Lot : 46

Historic Letter from the Founding of the Toras Emes Yeshiva in Chevron
In the Original Handwriting of the Rebbe Rashab

Lubavitch, 2nd of Cheshvan 1911
"Carefully supervise their studies in Chassidus and Revealed Torah..." A letter of directives regarding the management of the Toras Emes…

Lot : 47

Long Handwritten Letter by the Admor Rayatz to the Talmidim of Yeshivas Toras Emes in Chevron

Igeres Kodesh! A 2-page letter handwritten by the Rebbe Rayatz to the founding group of talmidim in the first Chabad…

Lot : 48


Autographed Check by the Lubavitcher Rebbe

August 29, 1991
18 Elul, 5791
Personal check for the sum of $18 signed by the holy hand of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The check was sent…

Lot : 49

Exceptionally Rare Sefer

Siach Sfunim by Rabbi Eliezer of Karlin.

First edition,
Zolkova, 1751.
Commentary on the Five Megillos, filled with mussar and Avodas Hashem, by the holy Rebbe, Rabbi Eliezer ben Reuven Kahana…

Lot : 50

Early Chassidic Sefer

Ben Porat Yosef by the “Toldos”

Koritz, 1781.
First Edition.
The first sefer in which the Baal Shem Tov's own writings were printed! Insights on Sefer Bereishis by Rabbi Yaakov…
of 2 pages