Slavita Siddur
Chassidic Nusach Sefard
Shapira Press. Slavita, 1827
Lot : 1
Slavita Siddur
Chassidic Nusach Sefard
Shapira Press. Slavita, 1827
Lot : 2
Lot : 3
Kabbalistic Siddur Used by the Talmidim of the Baal Shem Tov
Lot : 4
Miniature Sefer Tehillim
Menashe ben Israel Press
Amsterdam, 1634
Lot : 5
Lot : 6
Order of Maamados.
Exquisite Miniature Manuscript on Parchment
with Colorful Illustrations.
Lot : 7
First Printing of Neviim Acharonim!!!
Soncino, 1486
Lot : 8
Yafek Ratzon
Belvedere, 1593
Lot : 9
Igeres Shmuel. Commentary on Megillas Rus
Lot : 10
Kushta Reish
Lot : 11
Sefer Yesod
Tzror Hamor.
Commentary on the Torah
Lot : 12
Sefer Yesod
Lot : 13
Segulah for Banei, Chayei U’mezonei!
Lot : 14
Talmud Bavli, Bomberg First Edition
Lot : 15
Seder Taharos, First Edition of the Bomberg Shas, Venice 1523
Lot : 16
Lot : 17
Sefer Yesod.
Lot : 18
Lot : 19
Order of Blessings for the Jewish Year
Lot : 20
Fascinating Discovery!
Lot : 21
Hundreds of Handwritten Hagahos by the Tosfos Shabbos
and Hagahos Yitav Lev of Satmar
on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim
Lot : 22
The Maharsham’s Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah in 2 Volumes
Lot : 23
Lot : 24
Unprinted Manuscript!
Lot : 25
Lot : 26
Manuscript of Chiddushei Torah Handwritten by Rabbi Avraham Bing, Av Beis Din of Würzburg.
Lot : 27
70 sides!
Lot : 28
Lot : 29
Holy Handwriting of the Rema of Pano
Lot : 30
Rare Unpublished Kabbalistic Manuscript
Lot : 31
Foundational Sefer of the Ramak’s Kabbalah
Lot : 32
Sha'ar HaKavanos by Rabbi Chaim Vital
Lot : 33
Exceptionally Rare Sefer
Lot : 34
Sefer HaGoralos attributed to the "Seventy Zekeinim"
Lot : 35
Lot : 36
Handwritten and Autographed Letter from the Chida to his Son
Lot : 37
Handwritten Letter from the Ksav Sofer
Invitation for his Daughter's Wedding
Lot : 38
Kashrus of a Mikvah Ventel
the Shevet Sofer's
Lot : 39
“Vehayei Bracha”
Lot : 40
Handwritten & Autographed Teshuvah
by the Admor Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Shinova
Regarding a Heter Meah Rabbanim. 1894
Lot : 41
Sacred Letter by the
Admor Rabbi Shalom Eliezer Halberstam of Ratzfert
to His Son-in-Law, the Atzei Chaim
Lot : 42
"Bestow Upon him an Abundance of Blessing, Success, and a Bountiful Livelihood"
Lot : 43
"A Life of Nachas, Peace of mind, and Great Success in all your Endeavors"
Lot : 44
Chassidim and Misnagdim!
Lot : 45
Handwritten page from the Admor Tzemach Tzedek regarding Tikun HaMikveh by the Alter Rebbe
Lot : 46
Lot : 47
Long Handwritten Letter by the Admor Rayatz to the Talmidim of Yeshivas Toras Emes in Chevron
Lot : 48
Lot : 49
Exceptionally Rare Sefer
Lot : 50
Early Chassidic Sefer