Sefer Yesod
Yerios Shlomo by the Maharshal.
on Rashi al HaTorah
First Edition. Prague, 1609
A classic commentary on Rashi al HaTorah by the Maharshal, ‘Yerios Shlomo’ was first brought to print by Rabbi Yechiel of Vornick who added his own personal supplements. Rabbi Yechiel was a disciple of the Maharal of Prague and references the Maharal, who was still alive at the time, repeatedly in his sefer (see leaves 27b, 34a).
The Maharshal Rabbi Shlomo Luria (1510-1574) was among the greatest early Ashkenazic Achronim and a contemporary, as well as a family relative of the Rema. His sefarim ‘Yam shel Shlomo’, ‘Chochmas Shlomo-Hagahos Maharshal’ and ‘Shu”t Maharshal’ are all accorded a place of honor in the Jewish library and are numbered among its fundamental works, inspiring numerous Achronim and poskim to author lengthy discourses and sefarim upon his writings.
The Maharshal was the undisputed Gadol Hador of his era and among the greatest poskim of all times. His legacy left an indelible impression on all future generations of Torah Jews. The Rema wrote that his words can be trusted “as Moshe’s [words] from the mouth of Hashem.”
The Chavas Yair likewise inscribed: “From [King] Shlomo to Shlomo [Maharshal], there was no one like Shlomo.” (Shu”t Chavas Yair, Ch. 44).
Virtually all the Gedolim of the ensuing generation were his talmidim, among them the Sm”a, Kli Yakar, Matteh Moshe, Masas Binyamin and Rabbi Avraham father of the Shl”a Hakadosh.
Prague, 1609. First Edition. Page Count: 38 leaves. Page Size: 29 cm. Illustrated title page with depictions of people and animals. Condition: Good, with several stains. Margin of last leaf lightly restored. New binding.
Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod p. 38
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