
Lot : 27

70 sides!



Large kuntress!
Autographed Teshuvos & Chiddushim by Rabbi Shlomo Kluger, Av Beis Din of Brody

Start price: $30,000
Est. Price: $50,000 - $70,000

70 sides!



Large kuntress!
Autographed Teshuvos & Chiddushim by Rabbi Shlomo Kluger, Av Beis Din of Brody
An important 35-leaf kuntress replete with teshuvos and chiddushim on Yoreh Deah written entirely by the holy hand of Hagaon Rabbi Shlomo Kluger, Rav and Av Beis Din of Brody. Two teshuvos are autographed.
Leaf 30a: “And the spirit of the Creator should settle upon us, the distracted and weak, [but] awaiting the salvation of G-d, with all his soul…Hak[atan] Shlomo Kluger.|
Leaf 47b: “The words of his friends who is weak and distracted Hak[atan] Shlomo Kluger.”
Rabbi Shlomo Kluger (1785-1869) was one of the greatest Rabbanim in the era of the Achronim and served as Raavad of the Beis Din in Brody for close to 50 years. Rabbi Shlomo was a genius, prominent lecturer, and one of the most prolific Torah authors in his era, authoring over 150 sefarim and compositions in all realms of Torah, dozens of which were printed. In one of his letters to Rabbi Shlomo, the Chasam Sofer included his mother’s name and requested that he mention him in his prayers (Toldos Shlomo p. 54). Numbering among Rabbi Shlomo’s printed works are ‘Chochmas Shlomo’ on Shulchan Aruch, ‘Sefer Hachaim’, ‘Mei Niddah’, ‘Nidrei Zrizin’, ‘Shu”t Tuv Taam Vada’as’, ‘Avodas Avodah’, ‘Shu”t HaElef Lecha Shlomo’, ‘Ein Dim’ah’ and many others.
Rabbi Meir Premishlan once attested:
“Meir sees in the heavens that just as Rabbi Shlomo rules below, so they rule in the Heavenly Yeshivah.” (Nachalas Tzvi vol. 4 p. 73)
This kuntress encompasses numerous chiddushim as well as teshuvos on hilchos shechitah and treifos, basar v’chalav, melichah, yayin nesech, ribbis, challah, bechor beheimah, bris, Sefer Torah and mourning etc.
[35] large leaves (70 sides). Page Size: 24×38 cm. Three relatively short paragraphs were written by a scribe, but otherwise all were handwritten by the author.
Condition: Good and preserved in attractive new leather case.
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