
Lot : 126

“...lengthy days and years... nachas and comfort…

Nidvas Pi by the Admor of Komarno
First Edition. Lemberg, 1853

Start price: $1,000
Est. Price: $2,000 - $3,000
“…lengthy days and years… nachas and comfort…

Nidvas Pi by the Admor of Komarno
First Edition. Lemberg, 1853
This sefer includes three works by the Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Eisik Yehuda Yechiel Safrin of Komarno.
Mosar Asiris HaEifah – Amendments and supplements to his sefer Asiris HaEifah on Toras Kohanim (Lemberg, 1849)
Mosar Shekalim – Amendments and supplements to his sefer Pnei Zaken on Talmud Yerushalmi Maseches Shekalim (Lemberg, 1851)
Mosar Kinim – Commentary on Maseches Kinim
The Admor
Rabbi Yitzchak Eisik Yehuda Yechiel Safrin of Komarno (1804-1874) was an exalted tzaddik and miracle worker, a celebrated genius and prolific author both on the Revealed and Hidden Torah, and one of the greatest Admorim and Kabbalists of his time. From a remarkably early age, he attained outstanding spiritual accomplishments, drawing from the wisdom of his uncle Rabbi Tzvi Hersh of Ziditchov. He personally attested that he possessed sparks from the souls of the Arizal and Baal Shem Tov, and his son inscribed in his preface to
sefer Zohar Chai, “Several times, I witnessed with my own eyes that when one came to appeal on behalf of a sick patient, he would tell me, ‘This one shall live, and this one shall die…’ almost like Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa.” His famous works include Heichal Habrachah, Otzar Chaim, Nesiv Mitzvosecha, Asiris HaEifah and Notzer Chessed.
The last pages of this sefer contain a long list of “Names of participants…who committed to purchase
the sefarim Asiris HaEifah with
Pnei Zaken…” In his preface to the list on leaf [13a], the Admor inscribes a special blessing to these supporters: “They should be blessed with all the blessings listed in the Torah, and no evil should come to them, and they should all have
lengthy days and years in This World, with nachas and comfort, and in the World to Come…”
All known bibliographies list the printing year as 5608 based on the Gregorian printing date of 1848, however the actual printing year was in 1853 according to the author’s inscription of the numerical value of the words
ק” = תריג”אורי וישעי לפ” which is 1853, and this date has been proven accurate. (A primary proof is that the sefer includes annotations to his sefer Pnei Zakein which wasn’t printed until 1851).
Lemberg, 1853. First Edition. Page Count: 8, [9] leaves.
Page Size: 19 cm. Condition: Good with new binding.
Bibliography: Stefansky, Sifrei Chassidus #171
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