Lot : 169

Letter of Blessing by the Yalkut Eliezer’s Wife
Rebbetzin Chaya Sarah Sofer to Her Grandchildren

Autographed by her son the Yalkut Sofer

Start price: $800
Est. Price: $1,000 - $2,000
Letter of Blessing by the Yalkut Eliezer’s Wife
Rebbetzin Chaya Sarah Sofer to Her Grandchildren

Autographed by her son the Yalkut Sofer

Heartwarming blessings penned by Rebbetzin Chaya Sarah Sofer, daughter of Rabbi Yoel Ungar and wife of Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Sofer, Av Beis Din of Paks, Author of Yalkut Eliezer to her descendants.
The Rebbetzin’s letter opens with the salutation, “Teire Kinder, Dear Children” and concludes, “Aier Grossmutter, Your Grandmother”.
The significance that the Rebbetzin’s son the Yalkut Sofer assigned to this letter and the impact that he felt it would have on future generations is evident from the autographed inscription that he inserted in the margin: “From my mother, the tzaddekes” which is signed “The humble Yosef Leib Sofer.”
Rebbetzin Chaya Sarah Sofer (d. 1904), righteous daughter of Rabbi Yoel Ungar, Av Beis Din of Rechnitz and author of Shu”r Riv”a, and wife of Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Sofer, Av Beis Din of Paks was renowned far and wide for her piety and wisdom. She passed away one year after her husband, and as she lay on her deathbed, she declared “Baruch haba! Welcome!” to the souls of her parents and husband who came to escort her to the World of Truth. She likewise confided in her children that she was greeting death without fear, as her husband had promised her a portion in the holy Torah that he had learned with her support.
Before his passing, the Yalkut Eliezer wrote in his last will and testament to his offspring: “Take heed of the honor of your righteous mother, may she live… She has a great portion in the little Torah that Hashem Yisborach has granted me” (Mizkeres Paks Vol. 2 p. 67).
The following was engraved upon Rebbetzin Chaya Sarah Sofer’s tombstone: “Here lies a woman, one of thousands, the righteous and pious Rebbetzin Maras Chaya Sarah a”h, daughter of Rabbeinu Yoel tzlhl”h and wife of Rabbeinu Eliezer Zussman ztll”a. She passed away on 6 Kislev, 5604 (1904) and was escorted to burial the following day by the masses, with great lamentation” (ibid p. 59).
[1] leaf.
Page Size: 17×21 cm. Folds.
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