Lot : 128

The Rozla’s Personal Segulah Siddur
with his Handwritten Kabbalistic Chiddushim

Start price: $10,000
Est. Price: $15,000 - $20,000
The Rozla’s Personal Segulah Siddur
with his Handwritten Kabbalistic Chiddushim

Siddur Chemdas Yisrael with kavanos of the Arizal edited by Rabbi Shmuel Vital, son of

Rabbi Chaim Vital. An important and widely acclaimed Kabbalistic siddur.

The title page bears the seal of the holy Admor and kabbalist,
Rabbi Pinchas Chaim Taub of Rozla.
The leaves of this siddur and its flyleaves feature dozens of handwritten Kabbalistic chiddushim, gematrios and combinations of sacred letters, all in the Admor’s writing. The chiddushim in the beginning of the siddur are marked with the time and date and when they originated in his holy mind. The following presents several examples:
“It came to my mind at the time of shaking the [lulav] on Chol Hamoed Succos, Year 5617…”
“A Yichud rose to my mind on Thursday, Parshas Chukas, during prayers…”
“It came to my mind on Leil Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Chukas while reciting Kiddush in [the year] 5612…”
“It came to my mind on Thursday, Parshas Re’eh 5628 in Carlsbad…”
“A Yichud rose to my mind, ‘And You are exalted forever, Hashem, ’ on Thursday, Parshas Nitzavim, 5619…”
The title page also features the seal of Rabbi Pinchas Chaim’s son, the Admor Rabbi Moshe Ezra Taub of Szamosújvár-Gherla, Transylvania, Hy”d.
Lists of kvittelach appear on the title page of the siddur and are also interspersed among its pages.
Rabbi Pinchas Chaim Taub of Rozla
(1867-1936) was the son of the Admor Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi of Rozla (the Second), and a direct male descendant of Rabbi Yitzchak Eisik of Kaliv. He was a close disciple and son-in-law of the Admor Rabbi Eliezer Tzvi Safrin of Komarno, and privileged to know his maternal great-grandfather the Admor Mahari of Komarno.
Rabbi Pinchas Chaim was renowned for his astounding brilliance and fluency in Kabbalah, and his contemporary Chassidic Admorim all honored and esteemed him greatly. The Admor Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech of Bluzhov once remarked that Rabbi Pinchas Chaim was “singular in his generation”, and when the latter once visited the Ahavas Yisrael of Vizhnitz, the Admor dressed in Shabbos garments in honor of his illustrious guest. (See more in his son’s sefer Aveidas Haperach). Rabbi Pinchas Chaim Taub’s grandson was the Admor of Kaliv Zt”l.
The present Siddur Chemdas Yisrael was printed based on a manuscript in the possession of the Chida. The manuscript reached the hands of the Admor Rabbi Yechezkel of Shinova who later handed it to the Minchas Elazar for printing.

Munkacs, 1901. First Edition. Page Count: [4], 280 leaves.
Page Size: 23 cm.
Condition: Good, with signs of use, especially on leaves of Kiddush. Original binding; preserved in new case.

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The Phenomenal Segulah of the Siddur
“…Even one who does not engage in the Hidden [Torah], my advice to him is that he should purchase this siddur so it shall serve as an excellent protection in his home against plague and illness, and for bountiful blessing and success, children, longevity and prosperity…” (Approbation of Imrei Yosef of Spinka).
“It is a segulah for the body and soul, to protect them from any pain and damage, with this holy siddur in his house” (Approbation of the Admor Rabbi Yosef of Kosson).
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