Lot : 43

The Baruch Ta’am’s Personal Autographed Copy
of Sefer Arugas Habosem
Amsterdam, 1730

Start price: $7,000
Est. Price: $10,000 - $15,000

The Baruch Ta’am’s Personal Autographed Copy
of Sefer Arugas Habosem
Amsterdam, 1730

Rabbi Baruch Frankel-Thumim’s personal copy of sefer Arugas Habosem with his sacred autograph. The title page of the sefer features the owner’s signature: “Hakatan Baruch b[en] Harav Hamanoach Maharif zt”l Thumim.”

The Arugas Habosem is an important sefer, authored by the early 17th century Italian scholar Rabbi Shmuel Archivolti, and fundamental to the study of Hebrew grammar.

Rabbi Baruch Frenkel-Thumim (1760-1828), author of the Baruch Ta’am and Ateres Chachamim, numbered among the great geniuses and tzaddikim in the era of the Achronim. It was said that his brilliance and piety were unmatched in his generation.


Rabbi Baruch Frenkel-Thumum was born in Ostrovtza in Poland to Rabbi Yehoshua Yechezkel Feivel Thumim and his wife. At a remarkably young age, he was invited to serve as Av Beis Din of Vizhnitz in West Galicia, and thereafter as Av Beis Din Leipnik, Moravia, where countless aspiring scholars flocked to his yeshivah to learn from his holy teachings and ways.



The Baruch Ta’am was universally revered by all his contemporaries. The Chasam Sofer expressed in his tearful eulogy: “A genius in Yisrael, his reasoning and teachings are blessed; he disseminated Torah to Yisrael with sharpness and scope, and the depth of his teachings and precision were so intense that even his talmidim lack in fully comprehending it” (Drashos Chasam Sofer p. 326).



In the Chassam Sofer’s endorsement to the sefer Baruch Ta’am, printed after his passing, he writes, “Does this need my endorsement… Do I not know his strength and glory and majesty, and behold all his words shine with the radiance of the heavens?”



Rabbi Chaim of Sanz, author of Divrei Chaim, was both the Baruch Ta’am’s prime disciple and his son-in-law. Rabbi Chaim learned the majority of Shas together with the Baruch Ta’am in depth. In Teshuvos Divrei Chaim, he cites many halachic rulings and methods in halachah that he acquired from his illustrious father-in-law, the Baruch Ta’am, and it was also he who prepared his father-in-law’s sefer for print (see preface).



Amsterdam, 1730. Second edition. Page Count: [1], 108 leaves. Page size: 19 cm. Slightly worn.



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