פריט : 56

First Edition Sefer Hakavanos Leha’ari, Venice 1620

מחיר פתיחה: $4,000
הערכה: $6,000 - $8,000
The first sefer of the Ari printed according to his disciple, Rabbi Chaim Vital. Included in it are the kavanos of prayer and a treatise on customs from the Ari allong with many of his commentaries according to sod.
Brought to print in Venice 1620 by the kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Trinki, messenger of the Tzfas rabbinate.
The sefer was printed during the lifetime of Rabbi Chaim Vital, less than fifty years after the passing of the Ari himself.
65 [2] pages | 19 cm | Ginzei Yisrael 1081 | Walmedona collection | Leather binding | Few Tiny moth holes