פריט : 115

Letter from Rabbanim of Baghdad Led by the Chacham Bashi, Son of the Ben Ish Chai

מחיר פתיחה: $800
הערכה: $1,200 - $1,500
A letter from the Rabbis of Baghdad, led by the Chacham Bashi, regarding Chevras Ozer Dalim, an organization to help the poor of Jerusalem, and its rabbinic messenger, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sarim.
The letter is written in Jewish-Arabic and is signed by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Shlomo David (Shmash), Rabbi Yechezkel Ezra Eliyahu and Rabbi Ezra (Tzalch) Adam.
In the margin, there is a personal letter added by the Chacham Bashi, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Chaim, and signed with his personal stamp as the Chief Rabbi of Bagdad and its suburbs.
Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Chaim (1853 – 1920), also known as the Chacham Bashi, was the son of the Ben Ish Chai. He was a great scholar and kabbalist and succeeded his father as Chief Rabbi of Baghdad.
28 x 21 cm | Good condition