פריט : 86

Polemical letter regarding ‘Kollel America’ written and signed by R. Yaakov Dovid Ridvaz of Zfat

מחיר פתיחה: $1,200
הערכה: $1,200 - $2,000

‘…I was shown the letter that came from Radzemin (perhaps from the Admor – R. Aaron Menachem Mendel who was the president of Kupath Rabi Meir Ba’al Hanes) and I was shocked to see – I realized this is an act of Satan to destroy the kollel…’

The Kollel America was established in 1896 with opposition by the Rabbinate in Jerusalem who feared that it would interfere with their interests in supporting the Yishuv. Clearly the Ridvaz supported the kollel.