
Lot : 13

3 Important Medieval Works
Kushta Reish
Constantinople 1515

Start price: $50,000
Est. Price: $80,000 - $120,000
3 Important Medieval Works
Kushta Reish
Constantinople 1515
Pesach Devari / Pisron Chalomos / Maaseh Torah. Kushta 1515
Three early sefarim printed together in one book.
Pesach Devari, an early composition on the rules of
dikduk – Hebrew grammar,
Pisron Chalomos – Interpretations of dreams. Lists many types of dreams with interpretations to understand the meaning of various dreams. This sefer offers similar interpretations as found in the work attributed to Rav Hai Gaon.
Maaseh Torah, a Medrash attributed to Rabbi Yehudah Hanassi, author of the Mishna.
The medrash lists sayings from Chaza”l that contain numerical values in numerical order i.e. on
three pillars the world stands…
The 3 above mentioned works were printed together in a single volume and is extremely rare , the National Library has only a single copy, which is missing 11 pages.
The book was first printed in Naple, 1492 (see Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod incunabula p. 401) without mentioning the author’s name, in the Venice 1546 edition of the book which is titled Sefer ‘Dikdukim’ ( Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod 518) it says this book is ‘attributed to one of the early sages of Sefarad (Spain)’.
These three works
Pesach Devari, Pisron Chalomos, and Maseh Torah by the Tanna Rabbi Yehudah HaNassi. Tuesday the 13th of Chodesh Elul to the year…[5275] 1515 in the great city of Constantinople under the government of our esteemed King Sultan Salim may his kingdom flourish, in his and in our days may there be salvation to Yehuda and Am Yisroel shall dwell safely in their land.
Owner’s signature from the time of the books printing: ‘Yosef Abarbanal’ – The Minister Don Yitzhak Abarbanal had a son named Yosef who is described as ‘a wise and prudent man, righteous and innocent’ (Introduction to Mayeinei Hayeshua Ferrara 1551) He was born in Lisbon in 1471 and left with his father during the expulsion from Spain to Italy and was known as a specialist doctor in Venice and Ferrara.
Constantinople 1515.
Page count:
48 Leaves.
Size: 20 cm.
Good condition . owners signature of ‘Yosef Abarbanel’ on the title page .New leather binding.

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