Lot : 178

Chovos Halevavos Edited According to Manuscript; Mantova, 1559. Walmedona-Luntzer collection. Chovos Halevavos

Start price: $1,500
Est. Price: $2,000 - $3,000

Chovos Halevavos Edited According to Manuscript; Mantova, 1559.

Walmedona-Luntzer collection.

Chovos Halevavos authored by Rabbeinu Bachya HaDayan, originally composed in Arabic and translated into Lashon HaKodesh by Rabbi Yehuda ibn Tavon. This edition was glossed based on many manuscripts. 

Chovos Halevavos is a fundamental mussar sefer which was held in high esteem by rabbinical leaders, many of whom would set aside time daily to study this sefer. The Chassam Sofer would read an excerpt from Chovos Halevavos at the start of every lecture.
This sefer was glossed by Rabbi Avraham David Provintzial. In his introduction, he writes that he glossed the sefer according to manuscripts. He writes: "And we did not hesitate to bring many written copies written with precision… according to them and according to their writings with much consideration."
Dated Mantova, 1559, this volume contains owners’ signatures written in Italian, some of which are erased, as well as censorship signatures and several censor deletions.
Stefansky , Hebrew Classics 458
103 leaves | 22 cm | Wide outer and bottom margins | Aging stains, water marks and minor holes | New partially leather binding
