Lot : 169

Letter from Rabbi Binyamin Zev Wolfe Breuer, Av Beis Din of Tab,

Start price: $1,000
Est. Price: $1,500 - $2,000

Letter from Rabbi Binyamin Zev Wolfe Breuer, Av Beis Din of Tab, Author of Nachlas Binyamin

Letter from Rabbi Binyamin Zev Wolfe Breuer regarding his sefer Nachlas Binyamin

Rabbi Binyamin Zev Wolfe Breuer was the son of Rabbi Yaakov, son-in-law of Zev Wolf Abeles, Av Beis Din of Tab. He was a disciple of the Ksav Sofer and the Shoel U’Meishiv, and discoursed with these great leaders as well as others. He served as Av Beis Din of Tab until his passing in 1893 His treatises were published in Responsa Nachlas Binyamin.
[1] Leaf | 22 x 14 cm | Double-sided
